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This rubric can be used when assessing team members’ effectiveness.

Independence and Leadership

To what extent does the team member contribute either leadership or exercise independent judgment?

5 points, Leader and significant contributor
Led others in choosing specific direction for the team; exercised independent judgment in completing own tasks.
4 points, Significant contributor
Proposed appropriate tasks or took individual initiative
3 points, Moderate contributor
Completed assigned tasks
2 points, Needed micromanagement
Did not exercise sufficient independent judgment, considering the team member’s level of expertise with the technology they were using.
0 points, No evidence
No evidence of independent contributions

Technical contributions

To what extent does the team member drive the project forward by contributing to artifacts?

5 points, Significant contributor
Made significant technical contributions considering the team member’s current level of expertise, or display significant progress in learning new technologies.
3 points, Moderate contributor
Moderately significant technical contributions Made some technical contributions (wrote code, wrote specifications/documentation, reviewed code, etc.) but the level of contribution seems low considering the team member’s skill with the relevant technologies.
0 points, Noncontributor
No evidence of technical contributions.


How effectively does the team member work with the team?

5 points, valued team member
Reliable team member who contributes to effective team functioning. Usually meets deadlines; when late, informs team in advance. Participates constructively in group meetings. Considers others’ needs when making decisions and suggestions.
3 points, Somewhat reliable team member
Sometimes misses deadlines without letting team know in advance. Comments in meetings are sometimes, but not always, constructive. May occasionally neglect team members’ needs. May either take over tasks that should be collaborative (doing them without consulting others) or neglect to commit to tasks that help the group function.
0 points, Needs teamwork improvement
The team member’s membership in the group causes challenges to the group’s effectiveness. Often commits to tasks but does not deliver them, or is unwilling to commit to tasks of appropriate size. Starts arguments in team meetings. The team would be more effective without this member present.